Your Home Clean for Guests in an Hour

You are alarmed when you should enjoy the holidays. You have prepared food and invited guests. But now you realize that you have a whole house that is clean and doesn’t have enough time to do it. It’s time to put an effective speed cleaning plan into action!

I am running out of time!

If the clock and calendar aren’t your friends, then you have to set priorities for cleaning your house. You don’t have time to clean every corner, closet, and bedroom. You have to spend time wisely, cleaning the area that your guests will see and spend time.

Pay attention the next time you visit a friend’s house Are you checking their floors and ceilings? Probably not. Most of your guests will look at things at eye level. You will need to focus on your cleaning efforts from waist to head.

keep walking! Make plans and work continuously. You are hosting Thanksgiving, your guests will spend most of the time in the hallway, living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. This is the part that requires your attention. Before the guests arrive, the doors that close in closets, bedrooms, and other areas you don’t want your guests to have. Don’t let yourself be derailed by a cleaning or organizing job that can wait until after the company remembers that the clock is ticking!

Where should I start?

Try to follow the path in your guests to In your foyer and living room, the most important thing is to clear the clutter. You do not have time to create documents. But you have time to put loose letters in a basket with a lid or small drawers, just like your old magazines, if you have a stack of recycled books or throw away your coats, shoes and extra outerwear at Accumulated in your hallway can be hidden in a closet or bedroom that you will not show to guests.

Use a dust cloth on the coffee table, TV stand, and other surfaces where your guests will set up drinks or gather together. Fluffy pillows are fast and refolding blankets and these areas should score for your guests. If you have a pet, you may need to take a moment to get rid of the furniture.

Popular party rooms

If you’ve ever held a party before, you know that people gather in the kitchen. It may be the smallest room in the house. But we’re still drawn! It looks like this room is difficult to clean because you are in preparation for Thanksgiving. However, there are two things you can do to sparkle as well.

Since you have to have many people in your kitchen, get rid of all the “stuff”. Another chaos is the enemy Rinse as much as possible from the counter and table. Unused electrical appliances will be a good starting point. Don’t get lost in paperwork – just keep your recipes and documents in a cabinet or drawer that has less frequency. Don’t forget where you put it!

Cleaning faucets, sinks in front of refrigerators, and countertops to remove spots and sticky areas. Guests will not be wrong if you packed six during Thanksgiving preparation. But they may judge that they put up lunch from yesterday

Decorating tips

Select vacuum Run through heavy traffic areas with your vacuum cleaner. Make sure you catch loose fur from the family pet. Want to save time on vacuuming? Suck the bottom of the stairs. Do not drag your vacuum as far as possible. The downstairs stairs will receive the most traffic and are most visible for your company.

Go through and collect all the trash out of your can and replace it with a fresh new liners. Refresh your area with seasonal candles.

Now that you have churned your house clean, it’s important for guests to notice. Consider putting dates on your calendar to do more detailed tasks such as document organization. You will thank yourself when there is one thing that will clean it up the next time!


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